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XtraVital rabbit food is exceptionally delicious, balanced and of high quality. This food contains all the necessary chelated vitamins and minerals (minerals with a protein envelope for better absorption). It is perfectly adapted to the specific dietary needs of rabbits. XtraVital is rich in protein and crude fiber. In addition, XtraVital has a low fat content. Added crunchy bits promote proper wear of your pet's teeth. Extruded alfalfa is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein. Recommended Daily Allowance Your rabbit should have enough food available, as your gastrointestinal tract should always be full. You should monitor your behavior during the change in diet and optionally mix Beaphar XtraVital starting with the usual food. The daily amount of food depends on the size and weight of the animal, on average it takes about 60g, dwarf wool about 85g, rex about 155g and giant rabbits about 170-450g. To determine the optimal amount for your rabbit, note how much is consumed throughout the day. If the rest remains, you must leave it the next day. Repeat this procedure until you determine the optimum amount of power. Always leave fresh, clean water available.