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Excess weight can affect the health of cats, Overweight is usually caused by an imbalance between energy intake (too much food or fatty foods) and energy expenditure (lack of activity), Overweight adult cats are more likely to develop urinary stones because they drink and urinate less frequently, Weight loss can lead to loss of muscle mass, if energy restriction is accompanied by protein restriction, The ULTRA light formula Helps reduce calories consumed by cats, l-carnitine promotes the utilization of body fat, Analytical components Crude protein: 11%-huiles gross and fat: 2%-cendres gross: 1.4%-fibres gross: 1.2%-humiditstar: 82.5%, Composition Animal sheets and by-products, vegetable protein extracts, by-products of vegetable origin, mineral substances, cereals, sugars, additives (per kg): nutritional additives: vitamin D3: 55 IU, e1 (iron): 0 .4 mg, E2 (iodine): 0.1 mg, E4 (copper): 0.9 mg, E5 (manganese): 0.11 mg, E6 (Zinc): 1.1 mg, l-carnitine: 35 mg ,